FDA Readiness
With its official registration, a company confirms that it fulfills the requirements of the FDA, such as 21CFR820 for example. It is therefore possible (at any time) for the FDA to announce an inspection. If you are not well prepared, you risk a warning letter.
The FDA-specific requirements for a quality management system from 21CFR820 are comparable to the requirements of ISO13485. Nevertheless, a company certified according to ISO13485 does not automatically fulfill all FDA requirements. If critical deviations are found during an FDA inspection, a warning letter may be issued and the distribution of medical devices in the USA may be restricted. Every company listed with the FDA should make specific preparations to achieve FDA readiness. With the FDA readiness the company is ready to specifically prepare for an upcoming inspection within the FDA’s notification period and passthe inspection.
A company that is FDA ready lives compliant and consistent processes with the resulting records. The entire organization is aware of the FDA requirements and knows the inspection process.
Axxos has experience from over 20 FDA inspections and offers the following services on the path to FDA readiness:
- Conducting FDA Readiness GAP analyses to identify gaps in the system and organization
- Addressing the identified gaps with the responsible persons of the organization
- Conducting FDA mock inspections with an experienced ex-FDA inspector
- in house trainings
The aim of Axxos is to build up as much knowledge as possible in the company in order to contribute to the sustainable further development of the company.
During FDA inspections, it was proven to be an advantage that Axxos experts act as translators and represent the company to the inspector.
FDA Inspections
An FDA inspection is a huge challenge for any company and usually a great unknown, as there is a lack of experience with the US authority. The long-term and short-term preparation for an inspection or the use of FDA experienced senior consultants from Axxos as speakers, translators or back-room coordinators offers simplification and increases the probability of a successful FDA inspection.
An FDA inspection cannot be compared to an ISO 13485 audit by a notified body. The inspector is a government official, whose goal is to protect the American public and verify compliance with the relevant laws. Inspections are usually conducted without an agenda and are based on QSIT (the quality system inspection technique). The FDA notifies European companies about 6-8 weeks before an inspection. This time should be used as well as possible to prepare for the inspection.
The experts at Axxos have already successfully accompanied more than 20 FDA inspections without a warning letter. We support:
- in the immediate preparation after the announcement of the FDA inspection
- during the inspection as translator / speaker / host in the front-room /as coordinator in the back-room .
- After the inspection, during communication with the FDA and processing of deviations (483).